Blueserver Registration Quiz Q&A

Blueserver Registration Quiz Q&A
Blueserver quiz question & answer 1
Who or where to report leavers?
*Users Management Forum -> Official Banlist

Blueserver quiz question & answer 2
What would you do if someone keep insulting you even you advised him or her not to insult you again?
*Get all the valid evidences and open a report at Official Banlist Compilation

Blueserver quiz question & answer 3
When is ban points getting removed from an account?

Blueserver quiz question & answer 4
What is the main objective of Blueserver?
*Creating an ethical gaming environment

Blueserver quiz question & answer 5
if you lost your password what can you do?
*Use the “Password Reset” that located at

Blueserver quiz question & answer 6
Each player are limited to how many accounts?

Blueserver quiz question & answer 7
Assume that you joined Sentinel Team, under which of the following situations you’re not allowed to backdoor?
*Scourge team has 4 players and sentinel team has 5 players.

Blueserver quiz question & answer 8
In the following items which combination is valid for making a leaver report?
*Offender name, a ping screenshot with offender name in it, reason and replay only.

Blueserver quiz question & answer 9
What should you do if teammate took your items without your permission?
*Advice him with proper language, make report if he doesn’t return the items.

Blueserver quiz question & answer 10
What is the maximum number of account you can create per supported email address?

Blueserver quiz question & answer 11
Which of the following technologies will greatly reduce the chances of packet lost in a game?

Blueserver quiz question & answer 12
What is the minimum ban point(s) for an account to be permanently banned?
*3 ban points

Blueserver quiz question & answer 13
If an opponent player purposely feeding and his teammates are whinning for remaking the game, what should you do as a game host?
*Request the player to leave and file a report againts him.

Blueserver quiz question & answer 14
What kind of players are welcomed to Blueserver?
*Ethical and follow the rules

Blueserver quiz question & answer 15
Your warcraft are fresh installed. How do you get the latest DotA Allstars map?
*Download it from

Blueserver quiz question & answer 16
How do you turn off the autosave replay feature?
*Open Bprotect.ini, change the autosave value to 0

Blueserver quiz question & answer 17
In which of the following situations a player is allowed to leave without violating the rules?
*2 of the players in Scourge team left. Thefore the remaining players in Scourge team decided to remake.

Blueserver quiz question & answer 18
Which of the following password are safe and hardly guessed by account stealer(a.k.a hacker for non-technical person)?
*Password: h3q@t$o1yk~0

Blueserver quiz question & answer 19
Which of the following email domains are not allowed for gaming access?

Blueserver quiz question & answer 20
Which of the following situations below allow you to backdoor?
*When there are fair numbers of players.

Blueserver quiz question & answer 21
Which of the following factors are not affecting the latency of a game (Which of the following factors will not make the game lag)?

Blueserver quiz question & answer 22
What do you think about people that provide answers to this registration quiz?
*Great… They provide free advertisement for Blueserver. Everyone knows about Blueserver. As they already fallen into a trick megablue designed to attract more players and popularity to Blueserver.

Blueserver quiz question & answer 23
If one of your friend account are banned, what should you do?
*Advise and explain to him why he should not to break the rules.

Blueserver quiz question & answer 24
A player tells you he is gm or implying that power has been given to him, what should you do?
*Get all the valid evidences and report him.

Blueserver quiz question & answer 25
Assume you’re a host which of the following actions you’re advised to do before you start the game?
*Snap two /ping screenshots, wait everyone ready and do a 5 seconds countdown manually

Credit goes to Glare (MalaysiaDota blog)
